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Áine Minogue Live!

Blackstone River Theatre
549 Broad Street, Cumberland, RI

Saturday, February 5, 8:00 pm

As traditional Irish music continues to enjoy phenomenal success both here and in Ireland, Áine Minogue is an artist who has long explored its themes and who captures its very essence. Come celebrate the Feast of Saint Brigid - which marks the first day of Spring in Ireland each February 1st. You won't want to miss this fascinating evening of Irish harp music, ethereal vocals, poetry and storytelling by one of BRT's favorite artists!

Thanks to our friends at BRT, we're giving away two pairs of tickets to this great show. Winners will be notified and announced here on Thursday, February 3, so be sure to check back then for the winning announcement!

To enter the contest, just fill in the form below.


Aine Minogue
Blackstone River Theatre
549 Broad Street, Cumberland, RI
401 725-9272 | |

Enter to Win FREE Tix! (* = Required)